Alif Malhar 2k20 and grandparents day

Alif Malhar 2k20 and grandparents day


The month of September saw a flurry of activity among the teachers and students on the virtual campus of Alif Global School. COVID situation could not put a damper on our spirits and exuberance. Our collective vision of a grand Arts and cultural festival that would bring the joy of creativity to everyone, participants, and audience alike took shape in the form of ALIF MALHAR 2k20. We, at Alif Global School, understand the importance of nurturing the creativity and self-expression of children. We strove to provide as many arenas as possible for children to showcase their talents, skills, and artistry. We had 52 events conducted over 3 days with students from the Kindergarten classes to 7th grade enthusiastically participating in events like Fancy dress competition, Clay modeling,  Monoact, Light music, Mappila paatu, Flower arrangement, Poem Recitation, etc. just to name a few. We had judges come in from other schools to evaluate our children’s creations for fair and unbiased judgments. It was entirely coordinated and executed on an online platform by staying connected through all means possible. On one side, we had teachers overseeing the children’s artwork, as they were creating it, through the numerous windows of Zoom while on the other, the children had their performances streamed on YouTube.

The Valedictorian function of Alif Malhar 2k20 was a grand affair. The event was made much more colourful by Grandparents’ day celebration which honored our student’s grandparents. Grandparents hold a special place in the hearts of our children. Grandparent’s life experience and unconditional love make them indispensable for a wholesome childhood.  The grandparent of one of our students sang a beautiful song for all of us and also shared his experience as an officer serving in the Army on this special occasion. Another grandparent spoke about the importance of education. All the students pleasantly surprised their grandparents with  handmade gifts and cards.

         Honourable Sri. Rishiraj Singh IPS graced us with his presence as our Chief Guest and presided over the Valedictory function and Grandparents’ day celebrations. His invigorating, motivational speech left an indelible mark on our children.  Their fascination with him was evident in the question-answer session they had with him later.

We were joined by Mr. Ali Abdu Rahman, Chairman, Alif Global School who gave the presidential address, and Dr. Abdul Salam, CEO, Markaz Knowledge City. Dr. Abdul Salam declared the winning team in the Alif Malhar 2k20 and spoke to our children, reminding them that having a goal and focus in their work will keep them mentally healthy and happy.

         It was truly a spectacular event that saw all of us come together to experience and be grateful for something that is perhaps most crucial to our human existence- Learning from Others and their Experience.

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